Current Version
Eye & Telescope is provided for free but without any official support and guarantee.
The complete installation of Eye & Telescope comes in two packages:
- Program and Data | 352 MB
- Images | 1,8 GB
The Images package is optional. It does not matter what package is installed first.
Please note the following hints for the installation.
Installation of Program and Data
Please download the "Program and Data" package and unzip it. To start the installation, run the setup.exe in the Application folder.
The installation routine first tries to install a runtime library package called "Visual Studio 2012 Redistributable". Agree to run this included setup. If you repeat the installation of E&T 3.3.2 later, the installation of the redistributable package might show an error message. In this case, simply ignore the message and proceed.
Being a registered customer of any earlier version of E&T, please copy the Userdata.mdb file from your formerly used version into the installation directory of E&T 3.3.2.
Now you can launch the program with a double click on the 'Eye&Telescope 3.3.2' icon on the desktop.
Running E&T for the first time, please take notice of the hints and advice displayed in the program's help window that was opened upon start. With the "User data.Observer..." command from the main menu, change the factory default name "Happy Observer" to your real name.
If you already used planning documents or file links in your former version of E&T, you should set the storage paths in the new version's "Tool.Options...". You do not need to relocate the files these paths point to.
Please make sure to create a directory for the backup of your user data. This directory is not allowed to be within the installation directory of E&T. In "Tool.Options..." set this directory in the "Backup of user data" group. It's highly recommended to check the "Automatic archiving of backup files" box here. This will keep older versions of your planning documents and user data for a later backup until you decide to delete them manually.
Installation or usage of the images
If you already own an older version of E&T, there is no need to downlaod and install the images package. In your previous installation of E&T there is the "Images" directory. Just move this directory with all the files within to the installation directory of the new 3.3.2 version.
If you have installed E&T for the first time, please download and unzip the optional images package and run the setup.exe in the "Images" folder. Make sure to install the images into the same directory where you have installed the "Program and Data" package to. If you accepted the suggested path when running the "Program and Data" installation, do not change the suggested path for the images.
Cleaning the previous version
Having used a previous version of E&T, take some time to run the new version and make sure that everything runs for you as expected. If the previous version did not use any storage paths to files or directories within it's installation directory, it is save to deinstall the old version. This is optional, however.